Immersive 3D Tour powered by Urbanimmersive produced using 360 images
Up to 2,500 sq.ft.
Up to 2,500 sq.ft.
Charges are based on billable sq. ft. The billable area is the sum of the interior square footage of all floors plus any drawn space that may be excluded from interior square footage totals (per property size reporting standards), such as garages, sunrooms, crawl spaces, all rooms attached to the house that you can only access from the outside and parts of rooms with sloping ceilings where the height of the room is less than 5 feet. Please note that exterior wall thickness does not affect billable area as it only affects exterior area. Billable area also includes exterior spaces such as the path from the exterior to your property and all other exterior spaces such as balconies, terraces, patios, etc.
$15 US
$120 US
Save 20%
We offer volume discounts for high volume businesses
UiMeet3D Packages
50 minutes
100 minutes
200 minutes
500 minutes
1500 minutes